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歐盟評估轉基因玉米MON 87429用于食品和飼料中的安全性

放大字體  縮小字體 時間:2022-11-21 10:10 來源:食品伙伴網 作者: 澤夕   
核心提示:2022年11月18日,歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)發(fā)布消息,應歐盟委員會要求,歐盟食品安全局轉基因生物(GMO)專家組就轉基因玉米MON 87429用于食品和飼料中的安全性發(fā)表科學意見。
   食品伙伴網訊  2022年11月18日,歐盟食品安全局EFSA)發(fā)布消息,應歐盟委員會要求,歐盟食品安全局轉基因生物GMO)專家組就轉基因玉米MON 87429用于食品和飼料中的安全性發(fā)表科學意見。
  經過評估,轉基因小組得出結論,就對人類和動物健康及環(huán)境的潛在影響而言,轉基因玉米MON 87429與其傳統對應品種和經過測試的非轉基因玉米品種一樣安全。部分原文報道如下:
  Maize MON 87429 was developed to confer tolerance to dicamba, glufosinate, quizalofop and 2,4-D herbicides. The molecular characterisation data and bioinformatic analyses do not identify issues requiring food/feed safety assessment. None of the identified differences in the agronomic/phenotypic and compositional characteristics tested between maize MON 87429 and its conventional counterpart needs further assessment, except for the levels of phytic acid in grains, which do not raise nutritional and safety concerns. The GMO Panel does not identify safety concerns regarding the toxicity and allergenicity of the DMO, PAT, FT_T and CP4 EPSPS proteins as expressed in maize MON 87429. The GMO Panel finds no evidence that the genetic modification impacts the overall safety of maize MON 87429. In the context of this application, the consumption of food and feed from maize MON 87429 does not represent a nutritional concern in humans and animals. The GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 87429 is as safe as the conventional counterpart and non-GM maize reference varieties tested, and no post-market monitoring of food/feed is considered necessary. In the case of accidental release of viable maize MON 87429 grains into the environment, this would not raise environmental safety concerns. The post-market environmental monitoring plan and reporting intervals are in line with the intended uses of maize MON 87429. The GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 87429, as described in this application, is as safe as its conventional counterpart and the tested non-GM maize reference varieties with respect to potential effects on human and animal health and the environment.
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